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Transition to Day Program Setting

By Rachel Hindel, MSW, RSW

Social Worker at Dementia Support

All transitions can be tough, especially when it seems so foreign. The Adult Day Program setting is ideal for people who enjoy socializing and need more engagement throughout the day. Our day program was created to give independence back to those living with dementia, and to allow for respite care for the caregiver. The transition from being at home to joining a Day Centre can sometimes be very difficult.
Primarily, most people are dealing with depression, anxiety and loneliness, not to mention a list of medical ailments. This makes it very difficult to even leave the home. Now add dementia symptoms to the mix and you can understand the challenges facing caregivers to help their loved ones.

The first step is trust. Trust the process and trust the program. In my experience it can take up to two weeks for someone to feel mostly adjusted to a Day Centre. It tends to be harder on the caregiver to let go and allow their loved one to adjust. Trust means having faith in the process and learning as much as possible about the program and the environment that your loved one will partake in.

Second step, give it time. It is impossible to know how a program will help unless you allow for suitable time and support. At Dementia Support – Dov & Zipora Burstein Seniors Centre, we provide the caregiver opportunity to visit the centre, learn about the program, stay with their loved one – if need be- and provide ongoing contact. We do this because we know how important the Montessori Method for Dementia™ is to a person living with dementia and we value the work that the caregiver does on a daily basis. We know how much effort if can take to bring someone to a program, and we want you to know that we will be there with you every step of the way; however, time is crucial part of our work. Primarily it can take up to two weeks before a person feels comfortable in any program. For some it is a matter of minutes, but others need time to adjust to the new setting and new people. There is nothing better than a smiling welcoming face when you arrive in the morning and our staff provides just that; a safe, happy, and loving environment. As well, we recommend that if you are looking at a day centre, try to allot at least three days a week for the program. If you want to see a true positive change in the person this type of routine and on-going stimulation is vital.

Finally, keep in mind that you are doing this for the benefit of the person and for yourself. It is almost impossible to care for someone else if you are not also caring for yourself. I know that caregivers hear this all the time, but that is because it is true! At our day program, we hear it all the time that caregivers are so happy to know that their loved one is safe, engaged, and properly cared for that they start to feel some relief. The day centre model was created just for that purpose, and more specifically Dementia Support was created to help the entire family.

Transitions of any kind are about change and evolution. In order to reap any benefits, we must go for it. Follow the steps that I have suggested and continue to find support and assistance throughout the community. At the Dementia Support we know that support is needed throughout the process, which is why we also offer a community support group for caregivers. This group specifically focuses on the need to “Care for the Caregiver”. Remember, you are never alone in you search to better your life and the life of those you care for.

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